I'll be starting my fifth week with the Seattle Opera on Tuesday. I cannot believe I've been working there for a month, now! The job is interesting to say the least. I speak to a lot of different kinds of people on the phone: students, die-hard opera fans, Wagner opera fans (which are a special kind of opera fan), baby boomers that go to the opera to be seen, and people who wish I had never called them in the first place. There are so many ways to say, "No, thanks. I'm not interested." Some people go out of their way to avoid saying it while others shout it after I say that I'm calling for the Seattle Opera. I would say its similar to telemarketing, but I have no experience doing that either, so I have no idea if its similar or not. :P
My TA job is going really well. The first quiz I made only had one "questionable question" with more than one answer being okay, which I'm told is good for my first time. I haven't gotten any angry emails about how hard the quiz was either, so that's good. :)
The Puget Sound Symphony Orchestra is having their first concert of their 11th season this Saturday. If you're in town, you should check it out! Click here for their website.
I wrote the program notes for the concert. Once the concert is over I'll publish them here for all to see.
School is winding up. Teachers are really cramming to teach everything they left out the first few weeks of class. In German, things are moving at lightning speed and sometimes the vocabulary just feels like too much, but that's what I get for taking an accelerated German course. So, I just have a lot of studying to do before my next test.
Our apartment is finally starting to feel like home. I look forward to spending time in the space now after a long day and we were able to buy some much needed furniture for storage and display (a huge shelving unit being the key item). Hopefully, once loan money for the winter quarter comes in, we can afford to buy some decor to brighten up the place and some warmer winter clothes. We found out recently that Seattle gets colder and stays colder much longer than San Jose does. :)
Westside has been great to us. Our weekly community group meetings are going well and we're making some fantastic friends. We cooked vegetarian chili for everyone and they all loved it! We're going to be meeting with the Pastors this weekend before the PSSO concert during a "New Comers" dinner. So, we're really looking forward to that and getting some one-on-one time with Pastor Richard and his wife, Valerie.
I think that's all for now, here's a cute puppy picture just for fun. :D